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[Do Not Edit] ID,[Do Not Edit] Question/Survey communication (context),[Do Not Edit] Context Type,[Do Not Edit] Question Type (blank for Survey Communication),[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 1,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 2,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 3,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 4,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 5,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 6,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 7,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 8,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 9,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 10,[Do Not Edit] Answer Option 11,Translated Question/Survey Communication,Translated Answer Option 1,Translated Answer Option 2,Translated Answer Option 3,Translated Answer Option 4,Translated Answer Option 5,Translated Answer Option 6,Translated Answer Option 7,Translated Answer Option 8,Translated Answer Option 9,Translated Answer Option 10,Translated Answer Option 11
xeLccuudO7,Hi! Thanks for your time. Please take this survey. We would love to know how you feel. Your opinions are very important to us.,Introduction Text,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Your feedback matters to us! Please set aside some time to take our survey. We value your opinion and can't wait to hear from you.",Email Body,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
xeLccuudO7,SSENSE Engagement Survey,Email Subject,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1Mjms7Vr3U,I understand how my work affects the company-wide goals of BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
38EE0I142z,It is important to me that I grow my career at BIS rather than at another company.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4D6BGGPtqH,I have a good working relationship with my coworkers.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4DBL3DNW0A,I would recommend BIS as a great place to work.,Question,enps,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,,,,,,,,,
67SJR8Unbu,I am satisfied with my total benefits package.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
8vqc5vT6Re,BIS is dedicated to my professional development.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
AmMXWQKQOZ,I see my supervisor as a role model or mentor.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
BTS0CKH77X,I feel like I am part of a team.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Bm56HdpCx2,I don't usually think about looking for a new job.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CqT5riSxnj,I receive useful feedback on how I am performing in my role.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Dc32tAfOQT,I feel like my good work is recognized at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
G6V6zEeCGA,Members of my team are able to bring up problems and tough issues.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GCbjxGcEFP,BIS allows me to have a satisfactory work-life balance.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
GlAAw0wM6I,I feel like I have the opportunity to apply my talents and expertise at work.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
IXASY8zHyD,I believe that BIS is in a position to succeed.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MCmnrZhVKD,I feel like I am compensated fairly for the work that I do.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
O0Epn1DtrC,The work I do is meaningful to me.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
OB8k54k4FD,I have confidence in the leaders at BIS to make the best decisions for the company.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
OKybeEtNPm,I am provided with the tools I need to perform my job well.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
QhEpEiR67G,People from all backgrounds are treated fairly at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
XR7OFZZxGl,I am proud to tell people I work at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ZD4H2yYFB9,I am satisfied with my overall job security.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
di5fPmI9Rd,My supervisor keeps me informed about what is happening at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
hi7MEwU5Cr,There is open and honest communication at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
m1qqHZ80CG,What do you enjoy the most about working at BIS?,Question,open-text,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
qT8gDbex0l,Is there anything we can be doing to make BIS a better place to work?,Question,open-text,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tTUkqfzvml,I believe there are good career opportunities available to me at BIS.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
tgT3dED8K5,I find my workload manageable.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
vQrwp6XvmU,My supervisor and I have a good working relationship.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
vdNnMmFLiV,I feel comfortable providing feedback to my supervisor.,Question,likert,Strongly agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,