Homepage [Classic]



Our homepage is a great way for users to understand what's been happening lately and what actions they're expected to take next. Any user can quickly understand what's being worked on by their peers and on the teams that they belong to. Managers and leaders can use it as a way to engage with and recognize their employees; further increasing the motivation and inspiration driven by your programs.


The view presents a set of cards that either guide the user to their next action or help them explore what’s been going on recently in the platform. Clicking on one of the cards will present an Activity Stream based on the user's manager, peers, their department or any teams they belong to:



Our intent with this view is to provide a more accessible and seamless way for users to understand the Betterworks platform and increase the discoverability and insights gained from viewing transparent goals, progress and social interactions across your organization. The Activity Stream provides an opportunity for users to engage with updates and comments from their colleagues which will generate greater excitement and momentum around your Betterworks program.