User Management



The User Management module is where any employees' user information, which includes email addresses, roles, statuses, and any other dimension fields, is stored in one page. This module is only accessible by those that have the correct permissions set up to view it. 

To access this page, click the person icon as shown below:


New users can be added and existing users can be edited or deleted from this section.

Setting Up Dimensions

Before proceeding, we highly recommend setting up your customer dimensions first. Setting your custom dimensions first before adding your users in bulk is crucial, as they are fields used to categorize employees into various segments such as demographics, location, and more. This segmentation will allow users to view more robust survey reporting and audience creation. 

For more information, refer to our article regarding Dimensions here.

Adding Users Manually

While on the User Management page, click the "Add Users" button:


By default the "Add manually" option is selected:


In the text field below, start inputting users' email addresses that you want to upload to the system. Email addresses can be entered in bulk if you copy and paste a list of them, as long as they are separated by commas (e.g. ","):


After clicking the add button, the users you inputted will appear in a list, after which you can select the desired role to assign to the user:


After selecting the desired roles, click on "Add # users" in the lower right corner. You'll then be taken back to the main User Management page, and search for your newly added users. When you find them, click on "Edit" next to their name, and enter in their information:


There is also a SFTP option that allows automation of user uploads to Engage. More information on that can be found here.

Note: The manager field should only accept the manager's email address as a value.

Adding Users via CSV Upload

Note: Your file must be in CSV UFT-8 (Comma delimited). We strongly recommend using Google Sheets (as opposed to Excel or Numbers).

Uploading/updating users in bulk can be a timely process when adding them manually. That is why the .csv template upload may be the better option in such scenarios. Here are the steps for the process:

After clicking on the "Add Users" button in User Management, select the "Import from CSV" option:


The pop-up modal will present various important pieces of key information for your template upload. The employee email or employee ID must be present in the .csv upload in order for Engage to process the file. Without it, the system cannot detect the employee and set the appropriate dimensions that are set in the template. 

The dimension keys set up for Dimensions, custom or otherwise, must also be spelled properly in the headers of your file. If they are different from the keys set up in the system, then Engage will not process the correct information present in your template. If you need to add further dimensions, you can click on "Edit the dimensions" in the middle rectangular section from the screenshot above. For more information about Dimensions, read our help article here

Once that is set, click on the "Download the template" button to download the .csv file to your computer:


When the template is finish downloading, opening it will show the headers with all the present dimensions set in the system:


From there, enter in the appropriate employee information for all relevant fields, and make sure to save the file. The file must still be in .csv format to ensure proper uploading. 

Please note, that when updating user information, not every column needs to be filled out. Fill out the necessary info that you want to update (while still including the employee ID and/or email), and remove any extraneous columns you don't need (or leave them blank). 

Back in the UI, click on the "Upload a CSV" button, and select your file to upload it. When it's successful, you'll get the following confirmation screen:


After that's done, you'll be taken back to the User Management page, with a message showing that your upload is in progress:


After a few minutes, refresh the page--if the message disappears, that means the users have been uploaded or updated in the UI. You, as the administrator, will also receive an email notification that provides an overview of the successful and/or failed user updates.

Additionally, instead of starting with a blank template, you can also do an export from User Management of all the present users in the UI, and work off of that export file (which is in .csv) before uploading it. To do this, click on the "Export" button in the module.


That will download the entire user info catalog into a .csv file, in the same header format as the template with all the relevant dimensions.

Removing Users

If a user no longer works at your company, or you've mistakenly added someone who should not be in the system, there are a couple of options you can take to delete them or set them as "terminated":

The first is simply selecting and deleting the user(s) in the User Management module. To do this, search for the desired users, and click the checkbox(es) next to the one(s) you want to delete. Then, click the "Delete" button that appears on screen:



When deleting a user, you also delete all of their survey responses. Only use this option if the users you are deleting have not been invited to participate in any surveys.

In order to keep a user's survey responses but remove them as an active employee, set their status to "Terminated". This can be done in a number of ways. The first would be to edit the user in User Management, and set the status to "Terminated". Then, set the "Termination Date", as shown below:


Then, click "Save Changes".

Note: if you do not select a termination date after setting the status to "Terminated", Engage will default to the current date when you save changes. 

If you want to terminate users in bulk, you can change the status for your users to "Terminated" in the .csv user file, and/or set the "end_employment_date" in MM-DD-YYYY format. If no date is set, the end employment date will be set to the current date at the time of upload. In the file, these are the headers:


Then, upload these in User Management. All the users included in the file will then be set to "Terminated" in the system. 

Permissions and Roles

For more informations on the Permissions and Roles tab, see the following articles: