Release: April 27th, 2021

Production Environment


  • New:
    • Conversations+
      • Admins can now enable Conversations+ within scheduled conversations
      • Managers can add up to (3) contributors to a conversation
      • Contributors will fill out answers to the conversation questions for the manager's review
      • Contributor responses are not seen by the direct report


  • Bug Fixes:
    • HR Admins can now only see data for users within their scope in Feedback Answers report


  • Updates:
    • Accept names with special characters in user uploads


  • Levels will stay when selected during Calibration session edit


  • Updates:
    • Execution Insights 
      • Organizations can now specify which views & metrics are available
      • (3) additional views added: entire org, team-owned, departments (existing departments view is now department-owned)
      • Date range filter added

Preview Environment: Coming In (2) Weeks


  • Updates:
    • Peer feedback panel is no longer visible to skip levels in Conversations module
    • Improved loading of previous conversations from the Conversations Details page
    • "Request to edit" time has been extended from (4) days to (7) days
    • Confidential questions now contain warning text
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Scheduled conversations now appear in the Conversations module


  • Updates:
    • Admins can now extend the grace period after a cycle due date
    • Admins can now extend the cycle end date for cycles starting in the future
    • Deactivated users no longer display in Feedback Summary user list
    • Users can no longer create feedback by selecting a deactivated user as a feedback provider through a CSV upload


  • Updates:
    • Hyphen logo has been replaced with Engage (web app)
    • Direct login ability via Betterworks & Engage platforms for managers and Admins via Insights module 


  • Updates:
    • Execution Insights is now available to all Admins
  • Bug Fixes:
    • HR Admins can no longer turn off Calibration


  • New:
    • API
      • GET Teams: Ability to get Teams info via API call
      • GET Groups: Ability to get Groups info via API call
      • Reports: Ability to call all reports in Admin via API call
    • SSO enabled for Docebo
  • Updates:
    • JIRA Integration
      • Hyperlinks to issues available in key results details
      • Search & select issue pop-up made more user-friendly

*All release updates are subject to change